A Glimpse Into Chaos

A glimpse into chaos...aren't our minds always a jumbled mass of contradictions, hopes, and emotions?

Monday, November 06, 2006

All roads lead back to what?

Sometimes apathy seems to be the best medicine. I really hate to say that too. There is always some cause that I find the need to be involved with, always somebody to empathize with, always something or someone that needs help. Lately I've found that those things aren't paramount in life. Maybe being so politically minded is bad for me. I haven't bothered checking the news in the past few days. It feels good not to read about all of the fucking bullshit going on in the world. It's refreshing to not have the answer to a goddamn question.

I would always scoff at those who didn't care and didn't want to. Now I realize that maybe I was the person that should have been scoffed at. Who knows, I sure as hell don't. Sadly enough, I don't care to. "Indifference is bliss."

All roads lead back...but to what? I've found that they don't lead anywhere.


Blogger DirkStar said...

I won't scoff at you, I'll just ignore ya...


8:37 AM  

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