A Glimpse Into Chaos

A glimpse into chaos...aren't our minds always a jumbled mass of contradictions, hopes, and emotions?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Good Night David...

This is probably one of the most honest and heartfelt things that I have ever written. To those who know me well enough, you will agree. It's hard broadcasting your feelings like this. I know that I am more or less like a wall. The higher the walls and the stronger the foundation, the more I hide from the world, my friends, and ultimately, myself. I know that I deal with a lot of hard issues by repressing them, or simply attempting to figure it out on my own. We all have our own coping mechanisms. Mine is to keep it inside until I can express it artistically, or not express it at all. While some may see this as detrimental, I see it as life. I prefer to keep my emotions and whatnot in check. If I truly need to talk, I usually go to someone. If not, I feel that it is best to deal with it on my own. However, there are certain things going on right now that make that notion quite hard to do. This poem illustrates some of them. If you get it, wonderful. If not, feel free to ask questions. I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities. Ciao...

Good night David.
I wonder if you think of me in your dreams.
Are you wondering if I am alright?
Am I still Daddy’s little girl?

Do you look at the same sky as I do,
And wonder what went wrong?

To this day,
I still don’t understand why things went this way.
Whatever happened to family?
Why did you tear us in two?
Why can’t I look at you
With the pure and innocent eyes of a child?
It hurts to know that I’ll never see you
Like I did before.

I’m tainted and bitter,
A cold day in January.
The snow may be white,
But the purity of it
Hides the death beneath.

Can you feel it too?
The green earth ceased to breath
As my heart ceased to beat.
Your name ghosts my lips,
Yet I cannot bring myself to say it.
The winter is cold,
And I turn my face from you
And stare into the sun.

Good night David.
I wonder if you think of me in your dreams.

I know the answer though.
Just as the sun set on the day,
It set on the relationship we once shared.
Perhaps we can build something in another life,
But I fear our souls have been cleaved forevermore
Torn asunder by fate and greed.


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